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Updated: Mar 15

Cuisine: Andhra Pradesh state of India


Coriander leaves – 2 bunches

Tamarind – 1 lemon sized

Onion (slice into thin long pieces) – 1

Green chilies – 6

Salt – as required

Coconut oil – 3 tablespoons


Chana dal – ½ teaspoon

Urad dal – ½ teaspoon

Mustard – ¼ teaspoon

Cumin seeds – ¼ teaspoon

Curry leaves – 2 sprigs


Clean and wash the coriander. You can use the tender stems also. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a kadai/pan and add the cleaned and washed coriander. Close the lid and let it cook for 10 minutes. Then remove and keep aside. Now add the green chilies and fry. Keep Them aside. Now add 1 tbsp of oil and let it heat. Add chana dal and urad dal. Fry until they turn golden brown. Then add mustard and cumin. Once the mustard splutter, add curry leaves. Keep the seasoning aside. Add another 1 tbsp of oil to the kadai and fry the onions until golden brown. After they have fried, keep them aside. In a mortar and pestle, put cooked coriander, tamarind, salt, and fried green chilies. Grind into a smooth paste. Add the seasoning and the fried onions into it. Mix and serve along with rice.

Kothimera pacchadi / Coriander chutney will stay good for 4-5 days without refrigeration.

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